ZDUS – Zveza društev upokojencev SI (Slovenian Federation of Pensioners’ Organization) is a non-governmental (NGO) and non-profit organization, established in 1946, organized as an umbrella organization of 503 local associations of pensioners and clubs, including over 233.000 members all over Slovenia (11 % of Slovenian population).


ZDUS mission is enhancing active and creative life of elderly, social recognition of their potential, uprising of their specific knowledge and experiences. ZDUS is active in health promotion, organises recreational, cultural, travel and tourism activities, performs advocacy for the needs of elderly at all levels, supports intergenerational solidarity, self-help activities among older people, active ageing and long-life learning, supporting independent living at home. ZDUS is partner in various EU funded projects; as an end user organization, based on its well-developed network, it has access to older people (also those living at home).


ZDUS carried out several activities related to the lifelong learning, active ageing, intergenerational cooperation. It offers expertise, know-how and cooperation in the following areas:  assessment of needs of older people, lobbying, influencing decision makers and policy designers, implementation of surveys and focus groups, pilot testing of methodologies, dissemination, evaluation, organization of seminars, conferences and other events. ZDUS is a member of several international senior organizations:  EURAG – European Federation for Older people, AGE Platform Europe – European network of organizations of and for people aged 50 + and Eurocarers. ZDUS involves its members in the project activities  (retired experts from various areas, social sciences, ICT, demographics, education etc.) their professional work by using their potential, expertise, knowledge, experience.


The association employs 8 staff members on a full time base plus 3 part-time units. Furthermore, 50 retired volunteers take part to ZDUS management board, committees or as projects leaders.