GEFAS STEIERMARK – Gesellschaft für Aktives Altern und Solidarität der Generationen is a non-profit organization founded in 1991 based in Graz, Austria. GEFAS raises awareness and spread information about active ageing for a joyful life. The organization relies upon a wide range of internal expertises, such as project managers, trainers in various disciplines, communication experts. The target group of GEFAS are elderly people. GEFAS answers their needs and wishes promoting various social initiatives and projects related to: lifelong and lifewide learning, active citizenship, gender empowerment, sports, health and inter generationality.


GEFAS is routinely organising sport lessons for seniors, mainly accessed by women, as a way to support elderly people in remaining active for an autonomous life. GEFAS is an acknowledged project partner at local, national and European level, fully integrated into relevant networks. The project managers of GEFAS have long-term experience in integration of elderly people in projects built up in cooperation with the target group.


GEFAS, by working with both institutions and target group, effectively mediates between seniors concerns and policies affecting senior’s quality of life. The members of GEFAS are active seniors: they take part to lifelong learning initiatives and are curious travellers. Among the most relevant GEFAS European funded projects we recall the Grundtvig learning partnership about “Healthy and Fit in Later Life”. GEFAS provided the project with technical contribution on physical training and sports for seniors in Graz and surroundings.


GEFAS carries out its activities with the support of its permanent staff members (from 2 to 3 depending on funding) and by involving its retired members that has expertises in various areas (tourism, education, consulting, etc.).